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Our proprietary RAW Flow™ methodology --- the foundation for everything at RAW.
The RAW Flow™ is a synthesis of specific, proprietary techniques and tools to assist you in facilitating the experience of being authentically connected with your scene partner. A by-product of this process is a sense of agency to create undeniable work as an actor, writer or director; work that honors the artist (that which you are), or that you imagine to become.

We are committed to holding a safe, yet dynamic container to explore.
We encourage you to stand in your truth.
We support you to drop the pretense and surrender to the moment.
We guide you to relate authentically to another human being.
We provide tools to notice, report and define your experience of being and doing.
Raw Flow™ was designed for you to become a fully self-expressed human being, (actor, writer, director), as often as possible. We are not aiming for perfection. Through trial and error, we have learned that perfection is boring and a waste of time!
Instead, through the process of activating the Raw Flow™ you will frequently drop the pretense, surrender to the moment and relate authentically to another human being. All of this is in support of actors living truthfully under a set of imaginary circumstances while fulfilling the immediate task at hand.
An end-result of this flow is less anxiety and more joy in your personal and professional life!
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